> Today´s Message


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For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life,  Proverbs 6:23

We know that no biblical orientation must be despised; after all, it is through it that the Lord shows us the real light. That promise that we consider of no great importance can be the one which will lead us to acquire a stronger and more solid faith, which will make us succeed in a decisive battle. Without the enlightenment from the heavens, how will we do to receive the power to fight and overcome the evil forces?

The commandment is a lamp. This means that every time you look to God´s laws, you will have the light to see the direction He gives you in all things; then, darkness will not fool you. The understanding and wisdom you obtain from the Lord will strengthen you and lead you to take possession of what belongs to you. So, assume what is yours and see how much and how He has equipped you so that you are not defeated nor touched by the enemy, but that you come out victorious.

The fact that you bow before the divine commandments leads you to have a capacity that other people don’t possess; therefore, you will never stumble on obstacles. Those people who bow before God will never be dominated by a devilish threat. Now, those who don’t surrender before the Most High are always bowing before the evil attacks and they are suffering from the poison of the fiery darts of the devil.

To mere observance to what God commanded will make Him fulfill His promises, which, in many cases, you don’t even know they exist. Without divine light, you act like if you were blind, spiritually speaking. Those who don’t have this light go through life without seeing what they were given. However, when the eyes of your heart and enlightened, you feel stronger than your problems and you can overcome them.

Divine law inside of you will make you live in the light and darkness will not be able to touch you. As soon as they come to darken your way, the Holy Spirit shows either the promise or the declaration of a fact the Lord has already done in your favor. Then, His strength comes, and the evil power simply cannot resist. The simplest way to winning is to assume your position in the faith in Christ.

To keep the law of the Most High you need understanding, prudence and the instruction regarding the holy people which now you are part of. When you know what belongs to you, because you are part of the group of people who were delivered from the wicked empire and transported to the Kingdom of Jesus, you now become strong to undo all and any evil. Now that you are saved, there is no more power of the enemy that can withstand you.

Many follow the way of death and because of that they are always stumbling and being attacked by evils: diseases, sins and all sorts of problems. However, those who accept the reproofs of the Lord will be wise at all times and will be prepared for the events that will come upon mankind in the last days; then, they will not stumble.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





God, our Instructor! We want to observe these three important things that will make us very wise, so that we don’t miss the way of salvation. Therefore, we ask You that they may be revealed to us, for we don’t want to be defeated by the enemy. 

Show us the commandment, because since it is a lamp, we will be able to see the obstacles the enemy put on our path and we will arrive where You have appointed us. Then, with Your light shinning, we will be delivered from all deceit. 

We need Your light so that we don’t fall in the traps of the enemy, as well as Your reproofs. After all, once we are corrected by You, our heart will be strengthened and we will be ready to walk in the way of life. Amen! 


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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