> Today´s Message

04/04/2011 - Recognition and humbleness

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“Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother to Philemon our beloved friend and fellow labourer.” (Philemon 1: 1)
The servants of God must be known for being humble whatever the job they do in the work of the Lord. If we really want to please our Father we must be covered up with that quality because, the love and the faithfulness of God make us be successful and they make us fulfil His will. So, why do we let ourselves be carried away by pride to the point of thinking we don’t need each other?
Another important point to highlight is that you’ve got to honour everybody. Whoever you might be, if you’re a Christian, you’ve been called up to be holy and a member of the same Body in which we’re inserted. So all Christians are our fellow brothers and their Lord is our Lord as well. It would be good for us if we gave them the due honour; they might be of great assistance to us to deliver us from the enemy’s assaults one day.
Christians who despise someone are sinning especially if he or she is another child of God. Those who deem to be better than others to the point of foolishly looking down on them are certainly seeking trouble. Those kinds of attitude cause the Lord not to give them a hand whenever they need. Yet, those who do what pleases the Lord can be sure He’s their Refuge and Fortress and also the necessary Help at the time of anguish (Psalm 46: 1).
Paul, the great man of God, referred to Philemon as his beloved friend and fellow laborer. All of our brothers are our assistants. There are those who have never spoken to us, but they pray for us because God has touched their hearts to do that. There are those who even fast in our favour without our asking them. The Lord Himself is in charge of leading them to intercede in our favour. Many brothers are responsible for our being freed from any temptation which, if consummated, would make us lose our salvation.
Have you got any assistants? If you say no it means you’re unaware about many things. There are brothers that pray in strange tongues for sheer inspiration and they interceded for us at a specific moment when we needed the most without our knowing. Some were used to make us obtain financial successful which helped us a lot. We need to do something for them; we’ve got to at least cry out to our Father so He’ll use us or use somebody else to bless those people even though it’s in the mystery of strange tongues.
Those who are short-eyed regarding the work of God must ask the Lord to receive the capability of a broader view. Someone like Philemon, another one like Peter, a woman like Mary, all of them might be helpful to assist us whenever we need them or they might receive our request on a certain “Onesimus the runner”.
However used you might be you must be humble. So, it’s good to honour everybody; because those who despise a child of God are sinning indeed. Broaden up your vision!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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