> Today´s Message

10/04/2017 - SEEK THE LORD

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Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer, Nor His mercy from me! Psalm 66:20

This psalmist knew of something that many of the saved have not yet learned: if we heed evil, the iniquity of our hearts, we will not be heard by the Lord.  In truth, the Christian can’t allow himself to be drawn to or attracted by malignant lies, and expect to live free from all suffering.  When someone is won over or convinced by evil spirit, this person becomes a slave to this demon and from then on there will be continuous anguish in that life.

Nobody can know our heart. However if we indulge in sin, from that time on we will be disconnected from the Almighty and we will be subject to the attacks of the enemy.  Alas, the devil wants to see your light turned off, without the glow of the Lord, and this way be able to consume his work of havoc in your life. If you have fallen into transgression, run back to the feet of Christ and ask Him to forgive you. This way, you will see yourself free from the evil one. 

In sequence, the psalmist noticed that mercifully God did hear him.  However, this did not mean there was iniquity in his heart and most likely he was or had been in temptation and did not fall for the devils suggestion. He placed the declaration in the conditional (V.18), but as he remained firm, he could declare himself free. This way, if the devil attacked him, he would face the adversary and be victorious. All Christians should live likewise, don’t you agree?

When God answers to a cry He concedes the blessing, whether it be a healing, a deliverance or prosperity. If there is something unsolvable in your life, pray to the Almighty for forgiveness and help.  On being strengthened by His anointment, the problem that seemed insurmountable will become like a grain of sand which with a flick of your finger will fly far away from you. Halleluiah! 

The Lord did not reject the psalmist’s prayer because it was laden with faith.  So any person that cries out in this way will also have the same answer to prayer. It doesn’t matter who or what you have been until now but it does matter who you will be from now on.  You’ve already heard and understood that Word of God: don’t be influenced by the devil’s lies, for the Lord will be to you today the same He was to those in the past who believed in Him.  

A serious and grave fact revealed to us by the psalmist is that the Lord can subtract His mercy from somebody, which suggests that He does this to those who do not pay Him any attention. Now, there is nothing better and more comforting than to believe in the Almighty and in so doing become a winner.  Don’t pass up this opportunity to triumph, as you have been chosen and received the Word with the power to free you (John 8:32) Amen!

Pray in faith just as the psalmist prayed. Without prayer of faith God cannot assist anyone.  If you have iniquity in your heart, rid yourself of it.  Don’t give the devil a chance to say he defeated you, since he has already been defeated by you through Jesus Christ.  Lay hold of your power in the Son of God and be victorious in the Name of Jesus. Halleluiah!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Faithful Lord!  In Your presence we ask for Your help.  If my reader allowed iniquity from his head to enter his heart, thus accepting the suggestions of the devil, forgive him and lift him up. 

Help us to never be swayed to sin, so that our prayers never be ignored, always be heard and always be received.  We believe in You and so we pray, knowing You will listen and receive our petitions.

You always hear the cry from a pure heart exempt from evil and full of Your Love.  Thus, we will receive Your promises.  You can’t refuse when we plea trusting in Your goodness and mercy.  Amen!


> Faith Show Program

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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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