> Today´s Message


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Then they cry out to the LORD in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses.

Psalm 107: 28

There is nothing better to do before any difficulty than crying out to the Almighty One because in this way we can open our hearts for The Spirit of God to speak to us so that we are able to know what is wrong in us. In fact, the Spirit of the Lord teaches us what we must do to make amends with the Father. So, when we get rid of what is hampering our progress we can hear God’s voice. This way faith emerges within us and we can pray according to the biblical requirements – the prayer of faith.

We know that we must never cry out to the wrong source. Yet, it is not enough to speak to our Father in the Name of Jesus; we need to do it with faith and pray to the Lord by having what His Word says as our basis. If we really want to be heard, we have to do so wholeheartedly. Actually, everything we do using the Name of the Lord has to be with total firmness of purpose. Those who pray carelessly will not be answered; after all, the answer we want to receive will never come carelessly.

Those who are in Christ need to understand that He is The One who watches over us (Psalm 121:5). If any trouble comes up – whether it is a temptation, suffering or betrayal – the Lord is not taken by surprise because He knows all things. Not even the leaf of a tree – among all those that exist in the world – falls without His knowledge. He allows us to be troubled for us to overcome the onslaughts of the devil and for us to prove to Him that we really believe in Him.

The Lord gives deliverance to those that enter His presence. In fact, Jesus Himself said that everyone that asks receives (Matthew 7:8a). Yet, many people do not have their requests answered. While the answer does not come to us it is necessary to be in fellowship with the Word and not just do what men call “praying” – which is something that the Most High does not consider as such. Christ said to the Jews that, up to that point, they had not requested anything. Actually, many of them might have been asking God for some things, but they did it without having the divine visitation (John 16:22).

The Most High really delivers all His children from anguish as long as they cry out to Him. Therefore, you must develop the profitable habit of reading the Bible and of hearing the message of the Word. So, when you feel that the Lord visited you and that you got the message, you will be ready to take possession of the blessing that was announced to you. The Almighty One – who takes pleasure in helping those who are worried – acts like a powerful medicine to destroy infections, but for it to be effective it must be introduced in their bodies. Act in accordance with the biblical guidance and you will see that there is no reason to live like a loser because, as the Scriptures assures us, when the people of God cry out He delivers them from all anguish.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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