> Today´s Message


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Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? Isaiah 58:7

As seen in previous lessons, our Father looks after fasting that is pleasing to Him, which is quite different from those we have learned. We fast to receive everything, but we receive little. There is no point in letting the enemy use us, believing his lies, for we know the Word. As children of light, we must never allow the enemy’s evil action in our lives. Are we going to change our behavior? Truth sets you free (John 8:32)!

The Most High has fed us the best bread, His Word. It guarantees that we have been set free by Jesus´ wounds. Therefore, do not let the evil one deceive you, because you are a child of the Truth. When something comes from the devil, you notice it right away. Now, if you act like Eve, “checking” to see if everything is as the Lord said, you will fall into the enemy´s trap. Whoever is of God knows that he should not talk to the devil, but believe in the Lord.

As we share the revelation with the hungry, they forsake the world of error and take their place in Christ. But by themselves they have no strength to reject the evil offers. Only those established in God are able to resist the devil. Many whose hunger is for justice give way to prostitution because they have no choice; others start using drugs and dealing them for lack of resources. Those who do not believe in the Most High are used by Satan.

Sharing bread with the hungry increases our portion. Just as we do this, the Lord multiplies it (Mark 4:25). Christians should see what would happen to them if they spread the revelation of the Word to the poor: His righteousness would remain forever (2 Corinthians 9: 9). With the Lord, what you give comes back multiplied and blessed. It’s worth being faithful!

There are many people out of God’s work, living in the worst conditions. After all, outside the work there is no mercy, no salvation. Those who live far from the Savior, spiritually speaking, live naked and are always exposed to the enemy. But when a child of God shelters him in his heart, he has divine protection and help. So, never fail to help those who walk without the true protection of the Most High.

Always help your family members. He who does not take care of his own is worse than unbelievers (1Timothy 5:8). How can one guarantee that he loves God, knowing that his brother, or another relative, is on his way to Hell? If a soul could be bought to be saved from eternal perdition, we would use our resources, because the reward will undoubtedly be great.

Whoever does nothing to rescue the lost certainly loses a lot. Failing to do good to those who need it is to disrespect God. Do good and you will succeed here and in eternity.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Master of the true fasting! We have fasted a lot and for many things, but we have not received the answers we would like. But by learning from You, we will properly consecrate ourselves to You. Thank You for delivering us of useless actions!

We need to feed the weak, lost, and other sinners with Your food. When the devil offers us his crumbs, we will not accept them, because You have taught us to feed ourselves with the Bread of Heaven, which strengthens us!

The lack of Your bread causes man to become weak and without understanding or conditions to rebuke the devil. But now, under Your guidance, we will help many people to be set free.


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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