> Today´s Message


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The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. (Proverbs 12:15)

An important question must be posed: are there fools in God\’s family? It is a real paradox, isn’t it? But the answer is yes! Among the wise, there are many who prefer to walk in the wrong path rather than obeying the Lord. Things are not supposed to be like this, after all they were taken out of the darkness – the spiritual region where the devil inhabits – to the marvelous light, where the Lord fulfills His will (I Peter 2:9). Being wise is infinitely better than being a fool, and when it comes to spiritual matters, it is more profitable to live in the Kingdom where there is no transgression or evil operation. 

How can a spiritual fool be spotted? He is not interested in knowing the Lord. In gatherings where the Word is being taught, he gives an excuse and does not show up. If a temptation comes, he gets carried away by it, and there goes the \”saint\” to the dens of sin. He never prays and does not take part in the spiritual battles that the Church wages. He lives as a worldly person and takes pleasure in the lusts of the flesh.

A fool finds fault in everything but in his own actions. Actually the fool does not realize that the way he lives indicates that the Lord is not operating in his life. They criticize those who have fallen into transgression but they think that their case is different. To the fool, everybody will be condemned for having sinned, but they believe they will be justified. They accept the devil\’s lie that God will understand their reasons.

In His patience and love, the Lord advises all His children not to walk in the way of a fool, which is broad and consists of everything that man creates to bring joy and entertainment to society. The fool is happy to pay a high price to watch a play, but has no pleasure in spending the same amount to buy Bibles and books and give them out to the needy so that they know the truth. They do not bother to spend with trifles, but they never invest in the work of God.

What makes a person wise is heeding the counsel of the Almighty. In doing so, they take pleasure in saying “no” to sin and to the tempting offers of the enemy. They are sober and never get involved in shenanigans. In making these decisions they will never regret not having fallen into error. If the dear reader has already committed a sin, whatever it is, repent now and walk in the path of truth!

Ordeals can come to everyone, but the only ones that will be harmed by them are those who have no respect for the Word of God. Those who heed its counsel before making any decisions and do not bow before any immoral proposals will be rewarded.

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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