> Today´s Message

20/08/2012 - The last chance

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I called on the LORD in distress; The LORD answered me and set me in a broad place.

Psalm 118: 5

As Jesus said that, in the world, we would have tribulation (John 16: 33 b) He was giving us a warning in that the saints of God would also go through hindrances. On account of that, whenever facing troubles or situations you do not feel comfortable with, you must not say that The Lord has forsaken you, but you ought to rather look to the likely causes of those dreadful occurrences. Very often, the lack of knowledge of our ownership in The Word is the cause of many problems; yet, on other occasions, a sin we might have committed may be to blame.

One of the many joys that someone who lives their life in communion with The Most High is that of being warned about the plans of the enemy against them. Now, those who do not live their lives in accordance with the divine will – either for not having been converted yet or for going for the lust of flesh – cannot understand how important that is. Yet, The Word says that those who are warned can foresee evil coming so they turn away from it (Proverb 22: 3; 27: 12); but those who do not accept any warnings are heading straight towards the tomb which is waiting for them.

The psalmist was in distress and then he prayed. Likewise, if any divine warning has been causing you any sorrow, you ought to pray. Then, if the answer of The Lord opens your eyes, you must do what you have learnt from The Word  considering that the moment He reveals to you the devil’s intentions against you, He will also let you know what to do next. Those who follow the heavenly direction will not be found into trouble and, if they do what they are being told, their current situation will turn out well once God always gives us warnings for our own benefit.

In face of the search for help, the divine answer comes in a twofold stage. In the first one God listens to you and when your words reach out to The Lord’s heart the enemy knows that he has already lost. Therefore, your voice needs to be heard in The Heavens. So, if what The Almighty reveals to you is assumed as true your requests will get to The Throne of Grace and you will have the assistance of The One who can do all things.

The next stage can take place immediately or be delayed a bit more considering that it is dependent on the faith you use in your prayer moments. God finds no difficulty whatsoever in placing you in a broad land, that of an abundant life; that is precisely what He is aiming at doing to all His children. Yet, only those who use faith will open up the way for Him to operate.

The sacred writer prayed at the right time of his tribulation, but had he put it off it would have been too late. If you have let any work of the enemy grow in your life, or perhaps any filthy thought may be making you company, you ought to make a wise decision straight away in order to get rid of that satanic work. On the contrary, if you allow the devil to continue doing what he has been doing to your soul there will come a day when you will be completely caught up in his hands.

If you have not answered positively to the divine wake up call you must carry on praying because the best attitude is crying out when evil is about to start. A bird, with its beak, manages to root out a sapling which is only sprouting from a tiny seed; but if we let it grow into a tall tree we will need a very strong tractor to pull it from its roots.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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