Because of Adam’s sin, humanity was separated from God. For many years, the Lord directed people to turn from the evil way and draw near to Him. Then, whoever listened to Him was blessed even though they lived in a hostile environment. By resurrecting Jesus, He crossed the wall of separation between the faithful and the rebellious and obstinate, leading His own to the Kingdom of glory and love.
Today the Lord will do the same for those who believe in Him, freeing them from the forces of darkness. By accepting the Son of God as Savior, people become part of His congregation because they have been redeemed by His blood which was shed on the cross. As His Church, we have an obligation to behave like Him.
By calling upon God to remember the congregation purchased by Him since the ancient days, the psalmist showed us the following: the Almighty does not forget His people, although in the eyes of man it may seem otherwise. The trials we go through are meant to remind us that we have the right to reject any “forgetfulness.” We remember that when we remember Him.
The Church of Christ is not a cluster of failure, living at the feet of the Omnipotent and continually pleading for help, but a group aware of their position before all things. The Kingdom of God and the evangelization of the lost worldwide have been entrusted to us. This will only be possible if we use the same authority given to Jesus in His days on Earth, carrying out His works and even greater ones (John 14:12). Glory to God!
We were bought for a good price, the blood of Christ; thus, we’re even with the devil. Our slavery ended when Jesus cried out: It is finished (John 19:30). Nothing else needs to be done to get us out of the enemy’s clutches. Ever since Jesus gave the triumphant shout, we have been completely set free from Satan’s authority. Now we are the authority over him and his demons and we can undo his evil intentions!
The everlasting King will always have us in mind, because we are the inheritance redeemed by Him. Jesus´ triumphant cry on the cross speaks loudly in God´s ears, when our iniquities were placed upon Him, as well as our pains, sickness and the chastisement that brings us peace (Isaiah 53:5). Nothing can keep us under any curse. Your time to shout your independence is now!
The Mount Zion region is a witness that Jesus dwelt in it. His body was laid in a tomb for three days, but on the third, after stripping Satan of the stolen authority of mankind, by making Adam sin, our remission was completed. There we were quickened. Then, by resurrecting our Savior, we also arose with Him.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Lord! Your Son had the courage to receive our transgressions in Himself. He also saw our pains and sickness fall upon His body, as well as the chastisement that would give us peace. He suffered everything for loving us!
You will never forget us - Your congregation humiliated and persecuted by the wicked. They know the power of the Gospel, which came to give salvation to all, but because their deeds were evil, they decided to continue in rebellion.
Rise up for us and use us in world evangelization. Thus, Your sons and daughters will arise everywhere, justified by the redemption accomplished at Calvary. To You be all glory, honor and power forever. We love you!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)