> Today´s Message

07/04/2012 - The most pitiable ones

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If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.

I Corinthians 15:19

Paul was responsible for subjecting the Christian church to indoctrination. Through Paul´s his lips and pen God also showed how the believers in Christ are expected to live their lives. In the verse above, being used by The Spirit of God, the apostle called some people pitiable. Who are they? Those who flout the work that The Lord Jesus did for all mankind as He died on the Calvary cross.

The apostle firmly said that some are more pitiable than others, and they are those who also call themselves Christians, but whose faith is only suitable for them to be healed, prosperous and free from the hazards of life. Those people hardly ever think of what will happen to them once they die. Now, the greatest miracle that God can do in someone’s life is saving their soul and keeping it sanctified. Those who give themselves up to passion let themselves be carried away by the flesh and do not take in consideration their eternal future; those are, by all means, the most pitiable ones.

It is sheer foolishness failing to believe in the warnings of The Lord on the eternal life. Here in this earthly world we may live to seventy, to eighty years or even longer, but the day will come when everything will have an end, and we will not cease being alive. So, over there, on the other side of the river where we will exist eternally, if we are not prepared we will clearly be lost. It will be worse for those who have got lost forever considering that they will not find any alley among the lanes of heaven to, for instance, beg for a pot of food, but they will be in hell being tormented day and night.

The most foolish thing someone might do is having sheer disbelief in The Divine Word. The Lord, for not wishing our eternal doom, gives us a warning on the danger of only thinking about this worldly life. Well, we will be alive forever! In 999 trillion years’ time multiplied by the same amount, multiplied by the figure that came out of such operation times the same amount, those who got into eternity lost will be lost forever, they will be in suffering perennially. So, keep away from such unchangeable fate for those who are ruthless.

You may, in this life, come up with excuses for everything, but what will you say when you have a one-to-one encounter with The Highest One at the eternal court? Do you think your sin will not be revealed? Is God going to get dirty in order to conceal your error? Of course not! Even the intentions of one’s heart will be revealed (Hebrews 4:12). So, get it sorted out while there is still time! Be wise and do not let yourself be deceived by the enemy’s vain talk. He is a liar right from the start and what he really wants is to take your life into an eternal place of suffering. Do not allow the devil the right of having him by your side. Remember, your opportunity of being saved is right now!

This is the right time for you to stand up and then forbid Satan to carry on using you in sin. Make the most important decision in your life: get out of the most pitiable team! Make amends with The Lord at this very moment and forever be a blessed person.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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