> Today´s Message


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Be silent in the presence of the Lord GOD; for the day of the LORD is at hand, for the LORD has prepared a sacrifice; He has invited His guests.   Zephaniah 1.7

 Zephaniah showed the mistakes made by us, and now he shows another one that can make us weep before the Lord all the time, while we consider it a good spiritual attitude. There was no reason to keep weeping, complaining about our fate and inquiring the Most High why we suffer so much. The Gospel, the Good News that sets man free from Satan’s bondage was revealed to you. 

The prophet declared that the Day of the Lord was near. On that occasion, God would wipe away tears, heal the sick, and deliver people from all kinds of oppression (Luke 7.22). What a wonderful time this is! However, we give no careful attention to what is clearly shown to us and go back to weeping. This prayer, in which God is asked if He will not do something on our behalf, does not come from Heaven, but from the evil kingdom.

Jesus came with a heavenly message, positive in every way. Even before healing people, He told them to be quiet, not to cry, but to believe in Him and the Father (Mark 5.35-42). We must practice yes, yes and no, no (Matthew 5.37). Now, the time for weeping is over and the time for singing has come (Song of Songs 2.12). We must not count defeats, but confess that we are more than conquerors in Christ.

Even at the burial of a young man from the town of Nain, the son of a widow whom the Master met “by chance,” He told the mother that the weeping should be contained. Soon after, Jesus resurrected the young man and gave back her beloved son (Luke 7.11-16). This is the Good News that He commissioned us to preach, not a bunch of negative confessions, such as those encouraged by religions. The Gospel is superior, for it comes from heaven.

Christ spoke “fear not” to the sick and fearful disciples, who sensed the shipwreck of their boat, and even asked them where their faith was (Matthew 8.23-27). He taught man the right way to think, act and live, but religions take us back to the sad and dark past. Wake up, Church! We have the Holy Spirit, and those who are in deception do not have Him. It is our duty to show the Truth that sets free (John 8.32) and the certainty of healing through the power of God.

The prophet spoke of the sacrifice prepared, when the Son of God would be the victim of this plot of Heaven, in order to rescue us from the hands of the evil one. But we don’t pay enough attention to the Lord’s revelations, thinking that we are better informed than He is. This is not true! We are deceived by the devil, so it is necessary to accept the divine command to examine the Scriptures, because they testify about the Lord and about us (John 5.39).

Zephaniah further revealed that those invited to understand Christ’s work and participate in it would already be sanctified. The Savior stated: No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day (John 6.44). So, when someone comes to you to meet Jesus or to receive a blessing from Him, consider yourself prepared for God’s action!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Lord of our deliverance! It is glorious to meditate on Your Word and learn to do Your will. The devil can never bind Your Church or imprison us, to the point that we are left like the unbelievers, suffering and crying for our healing!

We will never accept to be under the enemy's whip, but will put him in his place - of defeat - under our authority. Today, salvation has reached those who love Your Word and use the Name of Jesus to deliver themselves from evil!

To You be the glory! Nothing holds us in cold and dead doctrine. When Your Son was made alive, so were we. When He was resurrected, we were resurrected with Him and sit at Your side. We are thankful that You make us conquerors!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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