> Today´s Message


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Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 2 Peter 1.2

This verse is the recipe for success available to us, for it came from the Holy Spirit to give us guidance in all the challenging situations we will face in the world. Life is like that; when we least expect it, we come across some hellish trap whose purpose is to kill, rob, and destroy us (John 10.10a). Now, we have to face trials with determination and faith in the One who has provided salvation.

When any temptation comes, it is for our teaching. Thus says the Lord:  No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10.13). Therefore, never get angry or say something inappropriate during any difficulty, because even the way you behave is analyzed.

Those preparing to serve Christ must present themselves to God approved as workers who know how to behave at all times (2 Timothy 2.15), whether good or bad; after all, the Most High will be ahead of them. The end of the trial will show that we were well instructed, neither denying nor despising Jesus. Failure to honor the Lord will lead us to the precipice. This is the most foolish thing anyone can do, for he will be lost forever.

Peter talked about the grace and peace that can be multiplied. Grace is the moving of God’s power on our behalf, as we are forgiven of sins, healed of sicknesses and, best of all, have our spirit recreated in Christ. Our spirit is the main part of our being, the real person. With the blessings wrought by divine grace, we are free from the condemnation that came upon mankind through the fall of Adam in the garden of Eden.

Peace is a state of mind that, even during the worst circumstances, it guarantees us tranquility to do and say what is necessary, casting out the disturbances that bring chaos. God’s servant must never despair when a situation seems irreversible. With peace, we put our head on the pillow and rest, but without it, we become distressed and take crazy attitudes, which will bring us endless evil.

The multiplication mentioned by Peter does not happen by chance, but it happens to those who have the divine promise as a support in their prayers. It comes when we know the heavenly Father and His Son, who work together in regards to the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, never be distressed when everything indicates that God will never hear you again. Even if other things fail, the Lord will always keep His promises.

The necessary knowledge of the Word is given to us by the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, it is written: “I turned and saw under the sun that the race is not of the swift, nor of the mighty the battle, nor of the wise bread, nor yet of the prudent riches, nor of the clever favors, but that time and fortune belong to all” (Ecclesiastes 9.11). God guides us!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Lord of our teaching! Your grace and Your peace have already come in just the right measure. In planning to help us in our afflictions, You have determined that which is necessary of Your goodness and mercy. Without a doubt, we can have these two blessings multiplied!

According to Your wonderful revelation, we ask that You bless us as You declare. With the forgiveness of our sins and Your love, we thank You for these two more amazing promises!

It is good and productive to know You as our God, and Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives. We are thankful for the salvation that freed us forever from the kingdom of darkness and opened the door to love and for us to know You. We love You!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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