> Today´s Message


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Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Our task of trusting the Lord is of the utmost importance because through it we gain salvation and other blessings. Those who do not put their trust in the Almighty in times of need will eventually put it in the devil, who is a liar (John 8:44) and does not deserve any credit due to his evil in nature. He who trusts anyone else rather than God makes a huge mistake.

Those who do not put their trust in the Lord can be easily recognized, in that they are always having problems and concerns – whether attending a church or not. Some believe the idea that only by attending an evangelical church their problems will be solved. It is great to be part of a congregation where the Word of God is preached, but that does not solve anything. The real solution is to trust the Almighty with all our heart.

He who trusts in the Lord with all his heart sees his problems being solved. This person does not fear the onslaughts of the devil because his faith is not moved when attacked by the evil one. For those who do not act this way, at the slightest sign of any abnormality in the body, in the family or at work, they get worried. Some even resort to the wrong sources but it only increases the problem.

Those who lean on what they learned with the world or by themselves will never have the Lord working in their lives. Now, there are many Christians in this situation, who in spite of hearing the preaching of the Word do not put their trust in the One who never failed to fulfill any of His promises. It is no use to think that a deadlock will be resolved in a certain way because only the Almighty knows what is best for solving all problems.

The ways of those who do not trust in God are crooked. Their life gets difficult but they come up with thousands of excuses for not trusting Him. No matter what seems to be logical, only the Word of God is the Truth in all situations, and with it we will never be defeated. Trusting in the Almighty is believing in His promises and whoever does it will see that He is always faithful to fulfill what He promised (Numbers 23:19).

Those who put their trust in the Lord recognize Him in all their ways. In fact, walking on a path without God, all by ourselves, is a proof that trust is not being put in the Almighty. So, do not do anything that is not approved by Heaven nor despise any of God’s ways.

God straightens the paths of those who trust in His Word. As a result you can climb the mountain of faith step by step. However, those who follow in any other direction will find out that it was useless rebelling against the divine guidance. What the Lord reveals is the way He Himself would walk if He were in your place.

In Christ with love,  

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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