> Today´s Message


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Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Proverbs 12.1

The Word of God teaches us that if we are not rebuked and corrected by our Father, we are not His children, but His bastards (Heb 12.8). Therefore, we must expect the divine love to correct us whenever it is necessary. Every time that you are disciplined, do not rebel against what the Lord tells you. On the opposite, receive the correction with a good heart. It is necessary to learn your lesson quickly in order for no harm to be caused.

Since the Most High is our Father, He will not let us walk astray in the ways of sin, but will do everything so that we might not walk on it, since its end is death – our eternal separation from God. Then, whenever the Lord corrects you, showing you that you are in the wrong way, immediately thank God and amend your ways. Only those who do not think about their eternal joy reject what the Most High says or does.

For those who live in the flesh, the divine reprehensions are never welcome. However, those who live in the Spirit and are disciplined rejoice and fix things right away. What kind of a person have you been? Have you changed churches because the pastor always preaches against some things that you do wrong and you think that in your case, it is allowed? If you have done so, you are acting like a fool.

Also evaluate if you have been wise. The Word says that he who loves discipline loves knowledge. If this happens in your heart, you will never feel hurt if the Lord tells you something that is not good, and that you should stop thinking and doing certain things, for they will connect you to the enemy. However, if you rebel against the divine warnings, you are not right before God. When someone rejects the Word, he rejects the Lord.

In God’s reprehension there is the necessary power to delivery you from the evil trap that the enemy has kept you captive. The person who has pleasure in sin demonstrates that he is already captivated by the spirit of that sin, whether it is mental or physical. When this happens, the devil has the power to invade his body, as well as the soul or spirit, and place in there a lasting and very destructive disease. Have mercy!

Flee from brutality! It is a sign that you are under the prey of Satan. The godly do not support the Holy Spirit moving when He comes to convince them to leave the way of death. Now, the only purpose that the Most High has in dissuading you from sin is for you not to be lost forever. He does not do this because you are special, but because He does not want to see you in eternal suffering.

What will you do? Will you be influenced by brutality, or will you accept the reprehension of the Lord? When a person resists the convictions of the Holy Spirit for too long, he becomes insensitive to the divine voice. These people think that others will be lost forever, and do the same things thinking that they will not. Have compassion, Lord!

In Christ, with love, 

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Father who disciplines us! We want to go through Your admonition, while there is still time. What we do not desire is eternal perdition. May You always correct us, guiding us to understand Your beloved plan and accepting everything that you tells us that we should not do.

There are many people that do not have good sense yet, and thus, do not see it as something bad to do the same things as the lost. We supplicate for mercy, heavenly help, and Your love for these people. May no one be lost because of the stupidity of not listening to You.

Your work would advance so much if Your children learned how to respect You and accomplish Your plans! They would stop doing what is useless, and at the same time, would learn to do what You have planned for the members of Your family. Thank You for being our Teacher!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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