> Today´s Message


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Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had known all the works of the LORD which He had done for Israel.

Joshua 24:31

Happy times were those when the Israelites, besides being prosper, had peace and lived well! Because they served the Almighty, they became more than conquerors in all things. Today, Christians learn that by living a life of faith they also will be led to victory.

In our midst it is possible to know who is not a doer of the Word because such people are constantly having problems. Many of them, by the way, are extremely religious and even so, due to not following the commandments, they lead their lives as if they were not of God.

As a leader, Joshua fulfilled his mission, leading his people to live the fullness of God\’s blessings. This should be the role of everyone who exercises some leadership. However, oftentimes shepherds of large flocks do not pay attention to the fact that the happiness of their flock depends on what they say and do. Well, the men of God have to live at the Master\’s feet because in this way they will get their flock to understand the divine plan and thus they will lead them to having the abundant life that Jesus offers (John 10:10b).

Not only did the successor of Moses do a great good to Israel, but he also taught all the elders who would succeed him how to proceed likewise. We cannot think solely about the welfare of our generation, but we must also train the leaders who will succeed us in such a way that long after our departure people will continue enjoying the goodness of the Father. These leaders need to see the good that the Lord does to His people when they are properly taught. In so doing, besides helping the people of the Lord in the present time they will form new leaders to continue God’s work. We must think of future generations and provide the best for them.

Every Christian is called to be a witness of Jesus. He who bears witness will be truly doing service to God, living away from sin and enjoying the power from on High. Our greater calling is to have the abundant life that Christ has brought to us – which includes, among other blessings, healing, prosperity and a successful marriage. By living and teaching the truth we are serving the Lord.

Among the many good lessons we can draw from the verse above, one of the best is that our actions must succeed us. We must not live selfishly, thinking only of the present time but of future generations so that they can be blessed as well. What we have learned and applied in our lives should become a message so that in the future those who serve God can do the same successfully. In other words, we must leave a blessed trail of our trajectory! 

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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