> Today´s Message

28/03/2011 - There’s a reward for servants

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“For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh,” (Colossians 2: 1)
What’s being a servant of God about? It’s about doing exactly what He tells you to do. That’s the reason why we’ve got to look after our brothers and combat evil with all our strength. We must pray for what’s going on in their lives. We’ll be rewarded as we intercede for them!
Though Jesus said that He wouldn’t call us servants – we know what He does (John 15: 15) – the truth is that we’re indeed His servants. He’ll say to some they were good and faithful servants and to others they were bad servants (Matthew 25: 14 – 30). He even talked about the useless servant who only did what he’d been told, but He didn’t call him bad or unfaithful servant. We’ve got to keep an eye wide open to the least lips movement of our Master and begin to fulfil His will.
A true servant of God has got no other priority in life but to obey our Father. All many people can think of is having their own house, their own car, fancy furniture, a table plenty of food, nice clothes and money in their current account. But those who know they were chosen to become servants of the Most High are aware what really matters is to fulfil the divine plan, for they know He takes cares of everything else. How have you been living? What have you been saying in your prayers? What worries you the most? Are you really a servant of God?
Cain, a murderer of his brother, gave a wrong answer to the Lord when asked about Abel: he said “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9) Yes, all of us are keepers of our brothers either those who were born to our parents or those who were born in the family of God. That’s the reason why we’ve got to fight in their favour though some of them might not have seen us face to face or though they never will.
Our fight isn’t about saying a just few words, but it’s about a giants combat. We’ve got to use all our capacity in God and we mustn’t pretend we’re praying for somebody, whoever they might be or we’ll have to take responsibility for our error. If the Lord’s showing you someone is about to commit a mistake don’t put your duty off: assume your position as a servant of God and fight till victory is reached by that person.
We’ve got to promptly go to war in our brothers’ favour whenever we know something bad is happening to them or when it’s about to happen to them – they’re our brothers in Christ. Our prayer’s powerful in the Lord. He’d never appoint us for a mission that we’d be ready to fulfil only if we felt like doing so, don’t you agree?
Our Lord Jesus said that those who gave even just one glass of fresh water to any of their brothers, however little they were, would be rewarded (Matthew 10: 42). Think of how much we’ll get if we give our time and faith to benefit someone in need. Jesus will surely reward us for anything we’ve done to benefit anyone that belongs to His Body. Don’t fail to assume your stand in Christ! Fight firmly in favour of all those He’s appointed for you to look after!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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