> Today´s Message

27/03/2011 - They live among us

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“Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame — who set their mind on earthly things.” (Philippians 3: 19)
Who’s Paul talking about? It’s incredible! There are some people who experience the Grace of God and then they give themselves to the enemy. That shows us that they didn’t attempt to copy the biblical examples or to nurse thoughts related to God. I’ll tell you something: all sinners will end up in destruction; all they can think of is themselves and to please their master, the devil.
Some people let themselves be carried away by the devil in the Apostle Paul’s days so they were excluded from the salvation plan due to their behaviour. The very devil that worked then is also working today: he’s managed to influence many people through bad examples and some even believe in doctrines that deny holiness and the fear of God. They don’t change their attitudes though they’ve been warned by our Lord Jesus Himself that He’ll judge those who are alive and also the dead according to their works (Psalm 9: 8; II Timothy 4: 1).
I want to point out that those people did experience the divine grace and many of them had a good start; they apparently would become blessings for the people of God. Yet, the moment they became successful and, in some cases, the opportunity for them to stand out appeared, they began worshiping their own ego and their sins. By doing so they’re heading fast for destruction.
There’ll be no excuses on the Final Judgment Day because we’ve got biblical examples to follow. If you don’t want to get lost for good you’ll have to keep away from those people and never practice what they teach and do. The church has always suffered with those fools and those who listened to them had to pay a high price for their disobedience. Don’t accept any doctrine contrary to the Gospel from anybody, whoever they might be, it’s already cursed. Those who are servants of God must think of the Lord and listen to what He tells
you to do. Don’t imitate those who only think of fulfilling their uncontrolled desires.
The wicked have never had a good end and they’ll never have it either. All those that have gone adrift from the Lord will hear from our Master the command to march towards the eternal fire lake prepared for the devil and his angels on the Final Day. Unfortunately, humans will also be on the way to suffer in the eternal flame. So, pay no notice to what they do or to the show they promote. The Holy Spirit is the only One to motivate us. Never mind if we’ve been appointed by Him to take a high hierarchical level or a lower; we’ve got to fulfil the task we’ve been assigned. Those who have succeeded in the enemy’s hands will see that the victory they have conquered will become another factor for their own condemnation.
The secret is to remain a servant of God till the end. Those who go adrift from the Lord are seeking their own interests and, by doing so, they’re going against the true wisdom. Bear in mind everything that the Bible tells you to do and don’t let yourself be carried away by temptations; they’re deceitful and the capacity of the devil to swallow us is within them. Now, those things that come from the Most High are empowered by the Lord to make us faithful and happy.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message




- They live among us

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“Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame — who set their mind on earthly things.” (Philippians 3: 19)
Who’s Paul talking about? It’s incredible! There are some people who experience the Grace of God and then they give themselves to the enemy. That shows us that they didn’t attempt to copy the biblical examples or to nurse thoughts related to God. I’ll tell you something: all sinners will end up in destruction; all they can think of is themselves and to please their master, the devil.
Some people let themselves be carried away by the devil in the Apostle Paul’s days so they were excluded from the salvation plan due to their behaviour. The very devil that worked then is also working today: he’s managed to influence many people through bad examples and some even believe in doctrines that deny holiness and the fear of God. They don’t change their attitudes though they’ve been warned by our Lord Jesus Himself that He’ll judge those who are alive and also the dead according to their works (Psalm 9: 8; II Timothy 4: 1).
I want to point out that those people did experience the divine grace and many of them had a good start; they apparently would become blessings for the people of God. Yet, the moment they became successful and, in some cases, the opportunity for them to stand out appeared, they began worshiping their own ego and their sins. By doing so they’re heading fast for destruction.
There’ll be no excuses on the Final Judgment Day because we’ve got biblical examples to follow. If you don’t want to get lost for good you’ll have to keep away from those people and never practice what they teach and do. The church has always suffered with those fools and those who listened to them had to pay a high price for their disobedience. Don’t accept any doctrine contrary to the Gospel from anybody, whoever they might be, it’s already cursed. Those who are servants of God must think of the Lord and listen to what He tells
you to do. Don’t imitate those who only think of fulfilling their uncontrolled desires.
The wicked have never had a good end and they’ll never have it either. All those that have gone adrift from the Lord will hear from our Master the command to march towards the eternal fire lake prepared for the devil and his angels on the Final Day. Unfortunately, humans will also be on the way to suffer in the eternal flame. So, pay no notice to what they do or to the show they promote. The Holy Spirit is the only One to motivate us. Never mind if we’ve been appointed by Him to take a high hierarchical level or a lower; we’ve got to fulfil the task we’ve been assigned. Those who have succeeded in the enemy’s hands will see that the victory they have conquered will become another factor for their own condemnation.
The secret is to remain a servant of God till the end. Those who go adrift from the Lord are seeking their own interests and, by doing so, they’re going against the true wisdom. Bear in mind everything that the Bible tells you to do and don’t let yourself be carried away by temptations; they’re deceitful and the capacity of the devil to swallow us is within them. Now, those things that come from the Most High are empowered by the Lord to make us faithful and happy.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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