> Today´s Message

23/03/2011 - Think carefully!

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“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.” (I Corinthians 2: 12)
The Bible states that we haven’t received the spirit of the world, but that we were filled up with the Spirit that comes from God. Well, there’s a divine purpose when He grants us His Spirit which, likewise all other divine blessings, is freely given to us. We mustn’t waste what we’re given by our Father, but we’ve got to do all our best to get to know the gifts we were offered.
The Almighty God would never give us the spirit of doubt, and the spirit of mess or that one of inspiration to perform wrongdoings. Furthermore, the children of the Most High mustn’t be negative; that’s not the spirit there were granted and they mustn’t be wicked or accept bad news. Listen! We’re different because we receive the Spirit of God who makes us strong to live a pleasing life to the Lord.
Men became empty and full of flaws when they sinned; after all, God didn’t dwell in their hearts any longer. In fact, nothing can fill in the gap left by the Lord: either money or fame or a good family. We can only feel a sense of achievement when He’s back into our spirit.
We’re filled up with the Holy Spirit by the Lord once we’ve received salvation – and as He does that He’s aiming at much more than what we think: He wants us to be capacitated to do His will. God’s main purpose for us is to see our spiritual growth when He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit, so through Him, we’ll get to know what we’ve been freely granted in Jesus. My brother, our salvation is much more than a religion change; it’s about our being rescued from the empire of darkness to be relocated straight into the Kingdom of the Lord so we’ll reign still alive. (Colossians 1: 13)
The coming of the Holy Spirit fills us up with power to do His work, and with knowledge to enjoy everything we were given for free through His beloved Son. Now, it’s up to us to believe or not in what we’re being offered. So, we need to work hard to get to know our ownership in Jesus. We aren’t only miserable forgiven sinners, but beloved adopted children, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8: 17). All things have been given to us through His Son and we mustn’t waste either time or knowledge; on the contrary, we need to seek the revelation from the Most High which will make us even more victorious over everything. (Verse 37)
Listen to this! The gifts from God cost us nothing at all; so, we don’t need to do anything except for accepting them as we believe in the Holy Word. There’s a religious trend that fosters men’s promises; sacrifices and penance to be able to deserve something; yet, that isn’t biblical at all, so you must ignore it; it’s denying the biblical revelation.
There’s something very important we mustn’t do: we mustn’t waste anything that was given to us for free. Though those gifts didn’t cost us a penny we’ve got to seek them, accept and enjoy the Heavenly blessings; in order for us to receive all those blessings and to be able to do the will of God as well, the beloved Son of God had to be crucified on the Calvary cross and also pay too high a price. Make that sacrifice worth in your life!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

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Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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