> Today´s Message

31/10/2012 - This is the attitude of those who fear The Lord

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You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their shield.

Psalm 115: 11

In the spiritual realm mankind is divided into two groups: those who fear and those who don’t fear The Lord. These are the main ones, but there are subdivisions. Yet, what really matters here is if the person believes in God, and because of that you truly obey Him. 

Those who don’t fear The Most High are deprived of the protection of Their Father therefore they’ll always be going through some sort of suffering, although many declare their love towards God. Actually, few children of God act this way, therefore the Lord cannot stretch out His hand to them when they need IT the most.

Now, those who fear Him are recognised by their constant success – they’re always eager to get hands-on. Whenever they’re facing any tribulation they’ll soon call out to The Lord and the trouble will be gone. Whenever they need divine assistance they’ll know what to do so they’ll have the power of their Heavenly Father operating on their behalf. The true servants of The Almighty are always willing to assist their neighbour and, if necessary, they’ll consecrate themselves in fasting and in prayer to assist those who are suffering.

Nothing is better than placing one’s trust in the Words of The Lord. To His servants the commandments are something to be taken seriously and nothing can make those faithful children of God be lured by temptations. When by any chance, at a specific point of their lives, they happen to lose focus and then the enemy comes up and throws any sort of seduction at them – as they become aware of the impending satanic assault – they know all they’ll have to do is pray and get things settled with God. And then, once again, their communion with our Father will be re-established.

Sometimes those who fear The Lord have to go through many trials but that won’t manage to make them lose heart at all since they know they need to carry on trusting in The Heavenly Father. Under any circumstance they show their optimism and even though they might’ve been driven towards the edge of a pit, as they see the danger ahead, they call out for the divine intervention and promptly make a run from there. Those who belong to God run back to the strong and safe arms of The Most High.

Those who trust in The Lord are absolutely certain that nothing bad will happen to them; though a thousand may fall to their side and ten thousand to their right they know that they won’t be harmed (Psalm 91: 7). In case you’ve been entangled by any sort of evil treachery or if you’ve been carried about by the lies of the enemy or if temptations are dwelling in your life you ought to confess your error and stand up – being tempted doesn’t mean you’ve fallen.

The declaration which says that The Lord is your Help is to always be in your heart and in your mouth. When the adversary says to you there’s no more way out for you all you have to do is laugh at him considering that you have the eternal God as your Helper. What’s the point of allowing yourself to be carried away by unhappiness or to keep on being depressed if The One who holds in His hands all the power is by your side?

Don’t be afraid of any of the threats that the devil might throw at you. Everything that comes from him is nothing but lies and they’ll never prosper in the lives of those who fear The Almighty. The Lord is your Shield and precisely for that reason no arrow thrown at you, either by Satan or his demons, shall ever hit you (Ephesians 6: 16). God’s in fact your Help, He’s your assistance. Nothing, absolutely nothing will be able to cause you any harm at all.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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