> Today´s Message

13/04/2012 - Turn to God!

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Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

Psalm 95: 2

Jesus tells us to seek first The Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Luke 13: 31). Therefore, before facing the enemy we must look for the safe counselling in The Word of The Lord; considering that, if we ask Him, He will show us the right way to tackle such a problem. On occasion, we will have to seek the forgiveness of something wrong we might have done which we hardly paid notice to, being that fact a sin and, for that reason, we are prevented from reaching up to our Father. Yet, all those who are willing to seek the will of The Most High will certainly be successful.

Once having received the divine counselling we do not have to wait to act. However, before saying a prayer we need to turn to The Lord considering that He is The One who will come with us; now, all that is performed by faith. When we happen to find the right guidance as to how our behaviour shall be like, our heart cheers up and, thus, we are then ready to meet The One who will fight on our behalf.

Do not turn to The Almighty with uncertainties because if you are not sure that you will get what you are going for, you will not be fully-qualified for the combat. Now, nobody will please The Lord if they are not acting in faith. Nevertheless, if your heart has that conviction that you will get what you are requesting, you must turn to God with joy, praises and psalms and celebrate your victory.

Praises do much more good to the giver rather than The Lord in that they train our hearts for the divine operation. Whenever one is praising our Heavenly Father, they manage to get connected with Him and, by doing so, they become one with Him. Obviously praises are not a product of human lips, but that of a special anointing granted to us. We begin with what we have already learnt regarding to God and, shortly afterwards, we are inspired to exalt Him in a way absolutely impossible for a natural man to grab.

What really matter are the praises which one gets from The Heavens in the sense of the ability to exalt The Lord with psalms and songs that tell us about the grandeur of The Most High and His might. King David said that his praises would come from God Himself in the great assembly (Psalm 22:25). When we are in Spirit, inspired by IT, our heart opens up for The Lord Himself to fill us up with such an anointing that allows us to praise Him the way He deserves to be.

Singing praises to the Lord is about putting into words our conviction that He is not only powerful to assist us but also He is ready and determined to operate on our behalf. Praises come up when we are absolutely certain that God will grant us the victory.

Those who praise The Lord show that they do not trust in their own merits nor that they have any capacity in themselves – even though they apparently have them – but yes, in the endless love of The Lord. Praises are an act of thanksgiving for what He has done and what He will do for us in the future.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

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Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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