> Today´s Message

03/10/2012 - Two counsels, two promises

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Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

Psalm 37: 3

To trust in God is one of the most significant attitudes someone might ever take in life. It’s more than just turning to The Lord in critical times; it’s about one continuously surrendering to His will. You ought to know that, if something in your life isn’t going fine you mustn’t blame our Father for that because He’s love (I John 4: 8) and He’d never cause any harm to anybody. When God allows someone to go through suffering I must tell you that that person is to blame, due to the fact that they’re not putting their trust in Him.

The secret is to trust in The Lord. Those who won’t put their trust in The Creator are giving room to the enemy who then has the means to affect them. As our God instructs us into trusting in Him, He tells us to close all loopholes to the one who’s always bad-intentioned. Those who don’t trust in our Father are actually preventing Him from protecting them from the devil’s assaults. Trusting in God brings us all sorts of blessings.

Those who place their trust in The Most High will never be carried away by discouragement, they will neither accept any evil hints nor will they ever allow the devil to build up their nest in their lives. They’re just like mount Zion which, firm and unshaken, will remain so eternally (Psalm 125:1). Those people who go astray or those who are let themselves be seduced by the lies and offers of Satan are proving that they no longer love, in fact, God.

Trusting in The Almighty is doing good deeds both for oneself and for others. Those who have such attitude will preach The Word of God with satisfaction, they’ll make a swift run from sin and they’ll absolutely not allow themselves to be fooled by the seduction of riches, by marital infidelity or any other crooked deeds. Those who trust in The Lord give good witness – through their own acts – of how profitable it is doing good deeds everywhere they go as they set the example to other people.

Those who do good deeds will live in The Promised Land – The Gospel. If you have not been living in the presence of God, if your days have gone dark and it seems your issues will never be sorted it means that you haven’t put your trust in The Lord or that you haven’t been good to people. It’s absolutely mandatory for you to truly dwell in The Promised Land and not like the ungodly who will never be successful on account of their wrong living.

The worst thing that might ever happen to a Christian is not being able to enjoy the promises of God. As they are being assaulted by any evil treachery, though they may pray, they aren’t able to feel a sense of accomplishment in faith. For them, there will always be people round to cause them harm and that’s why they’re unable to live a good life. Yet, those who trust in The Lord are used to doing good deeds.

The good news is that he who follows the divine directions is truly fed. You must know that The Most High will always bring revelations to those who do His will. We’re strengthened for the battles to come through the divine food which gives us wisdom and prudence in order for us to avoid those traps which get on our way.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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