> Today´s Message

06/04/2012 - Unfailing love

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Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

I Corinthians 13:8

For not paying heed to the teachings of Jesus many people say that, today, God does not speak to His people through any Prophet, and that we needn’t speak strange languages any longer, and that science is disappearing. Those who firmly say so enjoy mentioning such declaration of the apostle Paul; yet, they forget that what is perfect – love itself – was taught by Jesus as something completely distinct from what they used to think it was in the past. Now, those who let themselves be taught by our Master enjoy the best of life since they meet the minimum requirements for The Lord to work out things, and by doing so they can enjoy the highest level of living as well.

Christ stated that love at work is about having the commandments and keeping them (John 14: 21). Now, those who keep the commandments become complete people, once they prove their love towards The Lord, they will surely be loved by our Father and by Christ in exchange. But the good news is that both, God Father and God Son will manifest Themselves to those people. Those who have the manifestation of Christ are complete in faith, they lack nothing at all. The secret to being well-successful in our spiritual life is keeping the commandments. Which ones? All those you are acquainted with through The Scriptures and those that The Most High unveils straight into your heart.

In the presence of the love of God at work there will be no single battle that you will not be able to win. Remember that The Lord’s attitude of loving us means that His promises will never be forgotten and they will always be fulfilled. So, the perfect relationship we can have with Him will come true by all means. God is portrayed in The Scriptures as Love ITSELF and, for us to have Him in His plenitude we only need to pay heed to His imperative words and we also need to fulfil His commands. Undoubtedly, our Father wishes to have a sense of accomplishment in all those welcomed by Him as His children.

Each Christian has to struggle to learn the commandments and do their best to fulfil them in order not to be deceived in their faith. Every time God gives us guidance to stay away from sin He does so for our own good. The truth is that, being in error, men will be caught up in the hands of the enemy, but if they do not sin they will be safe and sound in the hands of our Father. Sinning – either a little or a lot – is something to be taken seriously for those who practice it will get a salary in the end: death itself. Yet, those who practice justice will get a special payment: perennial life. What we do with the commandments revealed to us shows us our living standard. Provided we are faithful in fulfilling them we will be well-successful in life.

As love is fully put into practice we will not need any prophecies, tongues or science, since we will be living in the fullness of the revelation of God. Those who have the commandments and keep them get to learn what having Jesus dwelling inside them really is like. To them, life with Christ is, actually, an abundant one considering that they do not have to face hindrances, defeat or suffering at all; quite the opposite, they equal the heroes of faith of the biblical times in their actions and, for that reason, they are blessed more and more.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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