> Today´s Message


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So the children of Israel said to him, “We will go by the Highway, and if I or my livestock drink any of your water, then I will pay for it; let me only pass through on foot, nothing more.”  Numbers 20:19

The fear of God shows itself the moment we are entitled to retaliation, to take harsh measures against anyone who is uncompromising. There are times when even our brethren in Christ upset us, and if we do not have the Lord´s love ruling our hearts, we will act without the Holy Spirit´s guidance. Praying and waiting for divine guidance are attitudes that will make all the difference and will not condemn us.

Moses had divine power to place the Israelites in Canaan. But he did not act on his own. The leader was certainly in prayer when he asked the king of Edom to let Israel pass through that land, but the answer received was negative. So, God´s servant walked the second mile (Matthew 5:41) and humbly re-did the request, ensuring that he would pay any damage done by the Israelites. He gave the king a chance to be blessed!

Jesus said that we should turn the other cheek so that people will come to their senses and see that our reaction was of love, not hate (Luke 6: 29-35). When a child of God acts as the unbeliever, he loses the chance to be rewarded and have divine operation in his favor. With it, the saved will have much more than he would have earned if he had gone to the judge of the world. He who sees in secret will never fail to reward!

The Hebrew leader showed the king of Edom that not only did he know the good way, but he would never cause him any loss. Because he had redone the request and shown an alternative, the edomite could see that he was a man of peace, and it would be good for his people to be merciful. Now, whoever fears the Lord should not close himself when he has the chance to do good, for the divine reward will last eternally!

Before Moses spoke of the way, the king should have offered the Israelites this possibility, including inviting them to eat and drink from everything he had. Now, for to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away (Matthew 25:29). Where are Esau’s descendants today? The Hebrews are everywhere and are even successful. It is so worth trusting in God.

The refusal of the king of Edom would cause his name to be recorded in the Bible. Had he listened to Moses’ account of the story of Jacob’s sons and aided these people, he would have been helped throughout his reign. Maybe the world would be better with him today. He who does no do good harms himself and his descendants. There is nothing better than giving, because the reward will come from the Most High.

Stay tuned to the Scriptures, for the Lord will bring you good and beautiful situations to do good. Then, on the day of reckoning, which will determine the place of all people forever, whoever took advantage of those chances will be rewarded.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Father! It is wonderful to seek Your guidance in all that comes to our hands, even in the requests made to us. With Your guidance, we will not only be successful, but will also be continually rewarded.

The king of Edom acted so wrong! If he had prayed to You, he would have helped Moses, Your servant, and would of received the promised reward to those who hear and obey You. We have to enjoy the moments that You give us. We love You!

We need to help those whom You send us. We wish to have the door of our hearts open just in time to serve You in a pleasant and perfect way. Thank You!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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