> Today´s Message


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A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness will utter lies. (Proverbs 14:5)

Whether we believe it or not we are witnesses of God. He is made known through what we say or do. The sad thing is when we are false witnesses for not talking or showing His divine power and love. We are responsible for the people around us. Actually, we can influence them for good or bad. When we speak according to the oracles of the Lord, we show them the way out of the malignant involvement that has ensnared the entire mankind with the fall of Adam. Doing good to all people without regard to who they are is our duty.

The selfish live for themselves and do not care about other people. All they want is to be an island of happiness; however, this is impossible because even if they accumulate goods in large quantities they will realize that it was all an illusion. After all, we need each other to live, to perpetuate the species and bring God\’s grace to ourselves. Only the witness to the truth can live well in any situation – people can only be happy if they obey our Maker.

The Lord planned that all witnesses were truthful. He endowed man with the ability to fulfill His work for the benefit of mankind, even the lost ones, those who never heard of the Gospel. If His work is properly done, it will benefit everyone. Ensuring the welfare and happiness of people is everyone\’s duty, and undoubtedly there will be rewards for those who accomplish their mission.

The false witnesses say that there is no solution for mankind and neither do they bother to find any solution whatsoever. Everything they say is a lie. They are easily convinced by the enemy that the fastest way to success is to indulge in wrongdoings, but then when they realize they have been trapped by their own unwariness they blame the Lord. What should we do about these people? Should we pray for them to perish? If we do that, we will be equating ourselves to them. The solution is to convey through words and through our style of life that in the Gospel there is solution for all transgressions and cure for all sufferings.

We can identify the true and false witnesses based on their demeanor. While the true witness is positive, lively and happy, the false ones lie, they are always sulky and their countenance is sad. He who is faithful to the Lord God, fulfilling the mission assigned to him, will achieve what he needs almost effortlessly. The act of speaking the truth will cause the forces of God to help you in all things. But those who are false achieve nothing no matter how hard they try.

What kind of witness have you been? If you have aided the enemy in his stubbornness to finish humanity off and make people suffer, there is still time for you to make amends. The Lord has not changed His thought about you, He wants you to take your place in Christ and do good deeds to everyone and everywhere. Thus, on the last day, you will see that your work was not in vain, but the Lord Himself will give you the eternal reward for your faithfulness.

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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