> Today´s Message

05/01/2011 - What should we preach?

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“But to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (I Corinthians 1: 24)

The world’s full of religions. That means that people are looking for the right thing; yet, they still haven’t found it. No matter what religion it is – even the Christian ones – they do not meet human needs. Our hunger for the Truth can only be satisfied by the message of the cross because the crucified and risen Christ, our God, is the only One who can transform people completely.

Why is Jesus our Savior? He’s the very Creator. The Most High is made of three Persons but He’s One sole God. That’s a mystery and our finite mind will never manage to get the whole picture. Jesus is the Person of Trinity who created all things – both the visible and the invisible (Colossians 1:16). When man and woman fell in transgression in the Garden of Eden they were driven out of the Almighty’s presence and eventually convicted to eternal torment. Yet, the divine love prevailed and Jesus, the second Person of the Triune Godhead, came to suffer and die in our place.

Our Master told us to go everywhere in order to preach the Good News of what He had done in favor of mankind (Mark 16:15). That message is the power of God which delivers men from every evil thing they get involved with and that can also heal people of all diseases. The message of the cross has nothing to do with the one that other religions announce. It’s the power of God for the complete salvation of those who accept it (Romans 1:16).

The best thing we can do to people is to preach them the Good News. Those who heed it get to realize that’s exactly what they were looking for but they just didn’t know it. That message takes the Lord Jesus into people’s hearts and those who receive Him as their Savior will instantly take possession of the divine power which will do to their lives today the same it did to those people who got close to our Good Shepherd during His stay in this world.

Christ is the wisdom of the Most High. Those who have Him in their hearts are endowed with the capacity of getting rid of the enemy’s onslaughts and start to make the right decisions. When it happens, they are above all battles and problems. When they hear the preaching of the Word or when they read the Bible they quickly understand what the answer to their question is and what direction to take. By abiding to the divine guidance, they will never be lured by any temptation due to their perseverance.  

As born-again children of God we must make the difference. People must see the Lord’s divine power living in us. Our Heavenly Father keeps us away from temptations, He shows us the Good Way and He gives us a sense of accomplishment in everything. Nevertheless, it is indispensable to preach to all those who received the calling that Christ is the power and the wisdom of our Father.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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