> Today´s Message


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But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Acts 16:25

Paul’s mission to Europe was directed by the Lord, in a vision of the youth from Macedonia, who asked that the apostle come there to help (Acts 16:9).  God uses many ways to make us understand His will.  If we follow His instructions we will be successful in our mission.  However, often times the success may come with some challenges.  It is good to never abandon the mission.

Whenever we are directed by the Almighty, we will obtain success, even though sometimes, it will be preceded by persecution or obstacles, which try to hinder or upset our service to God.  However, if we are His we will never refuse doing what He ordered under any circumstance or excuse. When the Christian does not completely rely on the Lord, he is inclined to use devious methods to avoid problems. 

The words of the woman fortuneteller concerning Paul and his companions made the apostle angry and rebuke the demon that was using her (Acts 16:16,18). The evil spirit left, but those men that gained money with her turned against Paul and Silas and took them to the town square in order to be judged by the magistrates.  Don’t be frightened with what happens to you, as long as you are conducted by God, because you will be justified.

The results of the work begun by the Almighty on the street, as he delivered the young woman possessed by the fortunetelling spirit, did not end with her deliverance.  There would still be more to happen and the Lord would be glorified.  Always let Him use your life.  In this way you will see that all things cooperate for your good (Romans 8:28). Being a servant you cannot decide when and how the Father will act in your behalf, but you can be sure that He will.

Once God is guiding your steps, remain firm in your mission.  The Omniscient never errs and never refuses to answer His children’s prayers, when they are seeking His direction.  When man directs the project, nothing good happens, but as the Almighty is allowed to take control of the situation, everything ends in a wonderful way.  The Lord is good and perfect in His works!

In the interior of the prison, they did not cry in pain, although they felt the hurt that the lashings they received were tremendous. Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns to God.  This has to be the attitude of all Christians.  Never complain or moan, curse or refuse to carry out any task.  This is what the devil wants to hear from your lips. If you pay attention and listen to the evil one, you will not carry out the orders from the Lord.  God called you to be His partner.  Honor that calling!

The prayer said on the spot, even during the worst crises, makes God act and when He acts, the Earth shakes and you have even a “soul-shake”- a great trembling of the soul – as the one that happened to the jailkeeper.  The truth is that the Almighty will use us in the best way and will never abandon us.  Do you believe this?

In Christ, with Love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Lord of our answer! As we obey Your orders, we not only have the pleasure of serving You, we will also go through difficult circumstances and situations where we will be accused of things we did not do.  It is possible that through this we will suffer at the hands of evil authorities.

Paul experienced the pain of Christ’s afflictions, but he was joyful in the end, because what seemed to be suffering and humanly speaking was, became a blessing.  What comes from You is never evil, but is a great opportunity!

Therefore it is good when we suffer for the love of the Gospel and the Truth, although everyone says we deserve it.  To be used by You gives us a greater pleasure than we thought was possible.  Amen!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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