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> Today´s Message

07/10/2011 - FEED THE CONVERT

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So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus.

Acts 9:19

Saul of Tarsus was a persecutor of God\’s people. However, after the meeting he had with Jesus on the road to Damascus – where he went with the purpose of arresting those who invoked the name of the Lord – Saul went through a period of complete fasting for three days. This passage teaches us that whenever possible, the new converts should move away from society for a while until they are filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized in water. In this way, they would learn to live a life that is worthy of the calling they have received.

Saul wanted the light of God in his eyes, regardless of what it would cost him because he had been freed from the darkness. His purpose was to meet with the One who had appeared to him along the way – an example to be followed by all the new converts, who should spend some time in the presence of the Lord, lamenting the wrong ways they walked and the wicked things they did, but also receiving instructions about what to do to please God.

However, the body needs food! By the way, when Paul was baptized in the waters and in the Holy Spirit he ate and was strengthened. However the real Food – which is Jesus, the Bread which came down from heaven (John 6:51) – is given to us through the heavenly Father, and we need Him to feed us with this bread so that our spirit is strengthened. But he who does not eat this Bread will get weak and will undoubtedly be an easy prey in the hands of evil spirits.

The Bible says that where there is no revelation the people cast off restraint (Proverbs 29:18). So my brethren, if you do not want to do the will of the devil (being, for example, unfaithful to your spouse or disappointing the Lord and the people who surround you), make sure you eat the Bread of Heaven and then you will never feel weak before the snares of the devil. Whoever feeds on Christ gets the strength to become victorious over all the temptations that often come with great power upon the new converts.

The new convert Saul, who was to become the great Apostle Paul, stayed for a few days in the company of true disciples. This attitude is very healthy, because those who have discovered God\’s love can teach beginners how to defend themselves against any attack from Satan. Those who do not do that will have to put up a fight in order to find out the secret to getting rid of the wiles of the adversary.

The good thing is that there are disciples of the Lord everywhere. So we do not need to worry whether there will be people prepared to teach the ones who are entering the divine family, after all, the Spirit of God, who is conducting them, has already selected those who will help the new members to take their first steps in faith.

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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