> Today´s Message

06/12/2012 - Worthy of your calling

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Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power,

II Thessalonians 1: 11

In the previous messages we went through the issue of intercession, which must be done in favour of everybody especially in favour of our brothers in Christ. We have some authority over that person who we presented The Gospel to because we become accountable for them. That’s the reason why we can bless them and whenever we realise they’re in danger we have to pray with determination for that evil not to dominate or destroy them. Don’t stop praying for those you’ve evangelised.

Something I want to point out here is that Paul’s prayers weren’t unfocussed – he wouldn’t ask The Lord to bless his brothers in Thessalonica with no specific purpose. His petitions were clear and straightforward. This time he numbered three points for which he was pleading on behalf of those brethren. Your requests must be always clear and precise as well; those who don’t know how to ask will not always be able to get what they’re looking for.

To Paul it was utterly significant that his children of faith were worthy of their calling. Can you think of someone not responding accordingly to the forgiveness; the healing and the deliverance they’ve received? How painful it is to see some brothers acting as unbelievers. God hasn’t called us to impurity; we weren’t called by Him to commit sins but for us to become partakers of His very essence, His holiness and also His power.

Examine yourself and see if you have been fulfilling what The Lord is telling you. One day all of us will be called before His Holy Presence and then we’ll be accountable for what we’ve done or what we’ve failed to do with those talents entrusted to us (Romans 14: 12). Nobody will be able to answer on our behalf. If we’ve wasted the ministry granted to us we might be thrown into outer darkness (Matthew 25: 30).

If you are worthy of the calling made by The Most High to you He’ll certainly fulfil all those promises for you; after all, the divine goodness took you out of the empire of death straight into The Kingdom of Heavens (I Peter 2: 9). With all the appropriate requirements His goodness will operate wonders on your behalf.

The plans of the Omnipotent One for you are enormous. As a matter of fact, there isn’t anybody among those received as children by Him to whom He didn’t plan good deeds. Don’t let yourself be blamed for The Lord’s desires for your life not to come true just like it happened to Saul (I Samuel 15: 11). God will rejoice with your success.

If the path is open The Almighty will fulfil the work of faith with power in your life. He is tremendously effective in all His works and all He needs if for men to believe in Him so He can perform that which is necessary. Seek in The Word those things He has to say to you and then you must believe. Thus, you’ll be putting the power from Above at work. 

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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