> Today´s Message

15/03/2011 - You Need to Ask

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“Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by.” (Psalm 57. 1)

The psalmist did everything right because he fulfilled the requirements. So, he asked the Lord to have mercy upon him. Our souls need to trust in God; they need to seek shelter in the shadow of the Most High’s wings and never leave while evil is assaulting them.

You’ve got to listen to the instructions of the Scriptures so the Lord will have mercy upon you. If there’s any hidden sin in your heart, be it old or new, in that case, a splitting wall has been built up between our Creator and you, therefore He won’t be able to pour His blessing onto you. Some people think they don’t need to confess their old sins. Listen! You must make amends with those you were offensive to in order for the communion you’ve got with the Lord not to be halted.

You might’ve stolen any amount of money from your employer, for instance, or you might’ve committed something else condemned by the Word; never mind about how long it happened, do confess that!

The psalmist declared he was ready to experience the divine mercy, once he had fulfilled the will of the Almighty God. As we go through the passage in Mark 9: 17 which narrates the healing of a young man who was possessed by a deaf spirit, we’ll realize that that demon could only be expelled once the Lord had made that man see that his error was the cause of such oppression. That’s a significant point and those who want to walk with God to experience His mercy need to stop living in error or else they won’t be able to have that Heavenly gift operating in their favour.

The psalmist asked the Lord to have mercy upon him because he was walking with God. He knew nothing at all would prevent him from being blessed. So, David trusted that there was nothing or nobody that would separate him from our Eternal King. Now, listen! Though he was walking with God and there were no barriers between them, his soul needed to trust in the Most High; because if he didn’t trust his request would surely be answered, it would be pointless to cry out to the Lord.

David also knew that he needed to seek shelter in the shadow of the Lord’s wings – that means: to be sheltered under the statements He makes in our favour. Those who are disconnected from the divine promises will cry out but they won’t be answered whenever they need His hand. So, you should always be sheltered under the blessed wings of our Father whatever the circumstances; whether devilish attacks, be it a disease, a family conflict, a financial crises or something else.
The secret is to always do the will of the Lord especially when you’re going through any trial. Evil attacks don’t happen like that, out of the blue. All kinds of temptation are the trigger of a carefully architected devilish plan to take The Crown off your head and to send you to hell. So, be strong and never give in to the devil! Just seek refuge in the Word of God and all evil projects will end up powerless to steal the greatest gift of the Lord: your salvation. Enjoy His mercy!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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