> Today´s Message

17/12/2012 - You’re the one who has to purify yourself

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And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

I John 3: 3

In the verses preceding the passage above the apostle John talks about some important facts. He speaks of the love God feels for us and of what the saved ones shall become in the eternity along with The Lord Jesus. We have to do whatever it takes for us not to become disqualified considering that – if that happens – our loss will be immense: we’ll suffer in hell and, of course, we won’t become partakers of the glory of God.

I’m dealing with such matter briefly here but that revelation brought by the apostle can be used as an example upon which we could write many books and it would never run out. This is the parallel I’d like to draw between the wisdom of God and that of men: all scientific achievements by the wisest men on earth are nothing but a tiny fraction of a grain of sand compared to the size of the whole universe thousands times amplified. Undoubtedly, those who won’t be saved will be missing a lot.

According to the divine warning we can see God telling those who have such hope to purify themselves. The Most High would never use The Scriptures to talk of something which isn’t true; therefore, Christians need to examine themselves and see whether they’re cherishing any sins in their lives; if that is the case, they might be deprived of the eternal life. Those who are wise ought to fulfil such direction as soon as possible.

Yet, it’s useless to pray and ask our Father to make you holy because that’s your job – a job to be done by Christians with the divine assistance, of course. Therefore, what is getting in your way today will be removed and, thus, your effort will not be in vain. Those who think they’re endowed with a special gift and that they will never be tempted are making a huge mistake. There’s not a single person on earth spared from being tempted – as a matter of fact, some people have really found delight whenever tempted which is awfully sad.

Those who sanctify themselves through The Word of God will see that it’s not hard to live in disagreement with the prince of darkness. Examine yourself always and, as you find out any sign of wickedness or a small sin in your heart, you ought to turn to The Most High in prayer and confess everything to Him and nothing must be forgotten. This way you’ll have the strength not to give in to the devil any longer and then, you’ll be qualified to enter the world of the divine glory and be happy perennially.

Those who manage to fully understand their identity in Christ and what they can do as long as they’re in Him – and yet they won’t purify themselves – are the worst people on earth because they did have the opportunity of assuring their eternal happiness but wasted it. Those who change the possibility of living a life in Heavens for a transgression are being as insensible as Esau who ended up not turning to repentance. (Hebrew 12: 16).

The Lord gives us direction for us to get closer to the divine world of perfection. Those who won’t give Him credit will be heading towards doom and there they’ll remain eternally in the darkness. Now, what would happen to our world if the sun stopped shining? This is how the lost will live their doomed lives: in pitch darkness (II Peter 2: 9 to 17). So, be wise and make amends with God straight away!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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