> Reflections

12/02/2013 - How to overcome your problems


In II Kings 20, the Bible tells us about the prayer of the King Hezekiah, who was ill and who received a visit from the Prophet Isaiah. The Prophet told him–“Set your house in order, for you shall die, and not live.” Once he heard those words, Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall and prayed to the Lord, who then answered him through the same prophet saying: “I will add to your days fifteen years. I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria.”


Up to this point the story is wonderful. Who doesn’t like to have their prayers answered? Who wouldn’t be happy to know that the Lord is extending their life by fifteen years?


But what I want to show you with these words is that, although we receive answers and blessings from God, we run the risk of not responding righteously to His blessings, and thus disappointing the Lord. The Hezekiah whom I am talking about, after he had received from God these two great blessings (deliverance from the King of Assyria and 15 more years of life), committed two great errors which marked his story. These two mistakes were so serious that I ask myself: “Wouldn’t it have been better if he had died?”


This question is just for the sake of argument, for I think that God gave him 15 more years hoping he would take good advantage of them, just like He expects us to seize each and every moment of our life, always doing our best.


So lets see what were these mistakes he committed after he was healed:


1) The King of Babylon sent messengers to Hezekiah who brought him presents. Hezekiah received them and, without suspecting that the messengers might be spies, showed them everything in his house and in the House of the Lord. The prophet Isaiah severely reprehended him for his lack of vigilance, and revealed to him the fact that Babylon would invade in the near future. Attention!!! Just like Hezekiah received those messengers, the Devil also sends us his messengers. Watch out! Don’t expose yourself to his problems, do not confess defeat, don’t express sorrow, don’t go out telling your problems and difficulties to everybody you see. Maintain a posture that you have faith in victory!


2) When the prophet told him that the king of Babylon would invade his nation, he assured him that it wouldn’t be during his days, but only after his death. The king Hezekiah became calmer, for he was assured that in his days there would be peace. It was then that he committed his second mistake, which was the mistake of being slow to take care of the things from the Lord. Instead of setting himself to prayer, and of beginning to prepare his nation and his heir to seek God, he showed no worry. The consequence of this is in chapter 21. Manasseh, Hezekiah’s son born after the Lord gave him 15 more years of life, was twelve years old when he became king. This son of Hezekiah seemed uneducated according to the laws of God, and from verses 2 through 9, we know that what he did was evil before Gods eyes and brought the entire nation to sin. To fail to speak the truth, to correct, or to guide others, is to do like Hezekiah. Remember, let God use you. Seize every opportunity to sow the seed of God’s Word, for it could make a difference tomorrow in the lives of those who receive it. Unlike Hezekiah, use well the days that God has been giving you.



“So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalms 90.12



Rev. José Machado is a Pastor Leader
of the International Grace of God Church.


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