> Reflections

12/02/2013 - The Prince and peasant girl


He was a flawless, well educated man with exceptionally good qualities. She, on the other hand, always wore dirty clothes, was bad mannered, and often unkind. But he fell madly in love with her and one day, to the surprise of everyone, he left his palace to go to the village where she lived. Without hesitation, he submitted himself to the dust of the village, and astonished everyone by kneeling down and asking for her hand in marriage.
She accepted and he told her he was going to get her out of that place and take her to his palace. However, since he was the king’s son, he had to travel to take care of certain affairs of the kingdom. However, he promised that he would return to honor his fiancé. He was a faithful man and wanted nothing but the best for his beloved.
As he traveled, the prince could think of nothing else but his sweetheart. He counted the days that were lacking before he could rescue her. He dreamt about her every night, because he loved her so much. After she accepted the wedding proposal, the girl was very happy and began to tell everyone that she was going to leave the village to live in the palace with the prince and the King. She would no longer need the village, that so filled with suffering and pain.
However, as the days went by, she began to lose interest and stopped talking to people about her marriage. She didn’t appear to be making plans for the ceremony any longer. Every now and then, she was reprimanded by the elderly people in the village, who would say to her, “Girl, you have been chosen amongst thousands. Your fiancé could arrive from his trip at any time….Why aren’t you preparing for his arrival? But the girl appeared to be really distracted. According to some gossipers, she was seen flirting with other men in the street.
How could a woman, who was loved by the prince – a prince who loved her so deeply that he was willing to embrace a world completely different from his own -, be so unfaithful?
Then the hooves of the servant’s horses began to be heard, announcing that very soon the prince would return to fulfill his promise to his betrothed.

We would all like the story to end with her faithfully waiting for him…
Hopefully her thoughts and plans will revolve around this great day and she won’t be swayed by the people of the village, who, although they are trying to show that they care for her, do everything to distract and discourage her. Hopefully this bride will be beautiful and ready for the groom when he arrives.
This is the story of Christ (The Prince) and his bride (The church). He came to this world, submitted himself to all kinds of suffering and paid a price for us. He left, but promised to come back and rescue us. Unfortunately, many have forgotten this and have loved the things of the world, without any concern for the return of the One who made that promise. Look at what he said: In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. (John 14:2).
Always remember:
a) We were loved even though we were undeserving.
b) He went to Heaven, but guaranteed He would come back to rescue us.
c) We cannot get involved with the things of this World.
d) We must keep our thoughts focused on the day we are going to meet him.
e) He is coming….We must prepare ourselves!


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