> Reflections

06/08/2012 - As you believe, so shall it be

Pr. Glauber Morare

David’s victorious and accomplished life wasn’t mere chance. The way he encountered the Lord and believed in Him did make a difference.

In the book of Psalms, chapter 113, verses 1 through 4, the psalmist praises God from beginning to end. Only those who recognize that He does all things all the time is able to have a life of daily worship.

In verses 5 and 6 he makes it clear that the Creator is greater than His creation, unlike some who, according to the apostle Paul (Romans 1:20-25), give more value to creation and have a perverted judgment thus suffering the consequences. Then, in verses 7 and 8, the psalmist makes it clear that there is nothing too hard for God.

How do you see the Lord? How do you believe in Him and His Word? Praise Him, recognize Him as the Almighty, put your hope in Him, and He will not disappoint you. As you believe, so shall it be.

In the Love of Christ

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