> Reflections

03/05/2012 - Sudden Changes of Behavior

Pr. Glauber Morare

Maybe you know people whose behavior changes so suddenly and inexplicably that you wonder if they are schizophrenic or have bipolar disorder.

In Mark chapter 8, Peter lets the devil use him and is rebuked by Jesus minutes before having a big revelation about who Christ was and being exalted by Him. Why would someone who had just received a supernatural revelation behave in such a carnal way?

In the same episode, Jesus shows the reason for such change and teaches how to live a steady and growing life: “Whoever wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

To deny oneself is to renounce human concepts and feelings learned since one’s birth. Taking up the cross is to obey the Word. Finally, following Him is to do what He would do if He were in your place.

In Christ,
Pastor Glauber

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