> Reflections

12/02/2013 - MAKE GOD WORK FOR YOU!!

Christian Life

Scripture warns us to be, and to remain, high-spirited. We mustn’t give up what we desire. Unfortunately, when people face problems and/or encounter difficulty, they give up on their dreams. They might even say: “I knew this would not work”, or even “this is not for me”. This just prevents a person from achieving his or her goals.
“To wait on God is to not make hasty decisions…Its not giving up!”
Let’s begin to observe what the text in Isaiah 64:4 says:


“For since the beginning of the world Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for Him.”


Has the power of God been working for you? Let’s see what it means to wait:


According to the dictionary, to wait means:


“Have hope, count on, trust in, not act, not taking decisions, not giving up on something, not going away etc…, until a very probable, or much desired event takes place.”


By reading the word’s dictionary definition, and then by analyzing Isaiah 64:4, we will come to a simple and objective conclusion: GOD WORKS FOR US!


When you wait on him, when you don’t give up, when you don’t consider yourself defeated!
Abraham did not give up on God’s promises, even knowing that it was humanly impossible to have a son at his age and that his wife was barren. The Bible informs us that Abraham did not doubt Gods promise! Instead, he felt strengthened and encouraged to wait for what God had promised him.


“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God.” Romans 4.20


Reading the book of Romans 4. 16-20 we can see that Abraham knew which steps should be taken toward God’s miracle. The passage tells us that his faith did not weaken (he did not give up) and that he began giving glory to God, even though the miracle he was waiting for had not yet occurred.


Verse 14 from chapter 27 in Psalms offers subsidies for us to reach the miracles. Lets examine it:


First Step – wait on the Lord.
We know that it is the same thing as not giving up, not going away, and believing that what we ask for in our prayers will be granted.


Second Step – Animate yourself
Animate: give life to, to impart interest or to enliven, to fill with spirit, courage.


God said to Joshua: Be strong and of good courage!


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1.9


Christians cannot be put down. But some are saying: “it’s the battles and struggles!”


Christians must be happy!
Let’s smile, jump, and look alive. I must have life, courage, be stimulated, and not lower my head, for I am not alone in the battle.


Today I want to encourage you about the revelations God has transmitted to your heart! He will fulfill them!


Third Step – and He will strengthen your heart!


If you really understand what it means to wait for God, you can be sure that all the blessings that God has promised you will be fulfilled!




José Maria Reis
Is a Lawyer and Pastor of the International
Grace of God Church

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