> Reflections

12/02/2013 - It\’s the little things that matter

Christian Life

This parable that Jesus told teaches us several lessons about the importance of small things. The preacher would say: “the little foxes are what cause harm to the vines”. Everyone worries about big things, but little things really have big effects. Take for example, the case of a driver and a little nap. Just a matter of seconds can mean death for everybody in the car.


We all need to comprehend that small and apparently insignificant things can be very important in our lives.


Another important lesson Jesus teaches us with this parable is that great things can grow from small starts. The ministry of Jesus Himself here on earth, shows us this. The primitive church was apparently small. Only 120 members participated in the Holy Spirit manifestation on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2.1). Great ideas, just like great people, have emerged from small starts.


The Missionary R.R. Soares tells us that his call to the ministry happened in a city in the interior of the state of Espírito Santo when he was still a child and watched TV for the first time. He noticed that people paid total attention to the TV…And he thought, “Jesus! See how people are paying attention to this thing, and there is no one on TV talking about you. I am going to make you a promise”:


- “If one day You give me the means, I will be on TV talking about the Lord God!”


Today we feel honored to see him on several TV channels, fulfilling with great joy his promise to Jesus. But what I want you to understand is that everything started in a small way. The Bible frequently celebrates small things: the little David and not the big Goliath (1Psalms 17.32); the small group from Gideon (Judges 7.7), and not the enemy’s armies, the small cloud that brought rain during the days of Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 18. 1) … See that God prizes the little things! We should learn to prize them as well. Many people don’t succeed in life because they don’t have the courage to invest the little they have in their capacity to multiply. Jesus said: “You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things (Matthew 25.23). There is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3. 1).


I think that today is time to sow, take good care of the little things, for they are really important!



José Maria Reis

Is a Lawyer and Pastor of the

International Grace of God Church



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