> Reflections

12/02/2013 - Developing Abilities

Christian Life

Since the beginning, The Lord demonstrated to us that we are “His best creation”. The Bible shows us this when God blessed man and told him to master all the living creatures. (Gen 1:28)


Certainly the Lord would have wanted man to develop his abilities in an atmosphere like “Eden,” so that he could enjoy the work of his Creator.


A “successful partnership” started in Eden and the Lord used to visit Adam every day. It was a wonderful communion. He even gave Adam the chance to name all the creatures.

Moments like this, of spiritual peace, must be enjoyed. Remember the “Parable of Ten Virgins”? The prudent brides had extra oil in their lamps until the coming of the bridegroom. Instead of the Christian resting and saying to his soul, “you have much goods laid up for many years; take it easy, eat, drink, and be merry” (Luke 12:19); he should be prepared for the future battles.

During this process of developing his abilities, the Lord, who created everything good, desired that man also would enjoy the good things. You have probably heard someone say, “I’m a child of God too!” and truly, the Lord doesn’t reprove the fact that we have a good life.


All of this is a result of a serious development of some abilities.


Genesis tells us that after Adam sinned against God, the closeness he once shared with Him was dissolved, and that man lost control of the situation. Adam tried to hide from God’s presence. I Believe, even today there are people that hide from His presence, because of the sin For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved” (John 3:20). The amazing part is, even though man didn’t follow God’s plan, the Lord never gave up on him. He even sent His beloved Son to rescue us. (John 3:16)


Today through Christ, we have all of our abilities back.


Some people, that don’t see their abilities, make emotional decisions and most of the time, have chosen the wrong way, but at the time they think it was the best decision.


The Bible says, “If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct.” Ecclesiastes 10:10


… and in the God’s Word Translation:


If an ax is blunt and the edge isn’t sharpened, then one has to use more strength. But wisdom prepares the way for success. Ecclesiastes 10:10 (GW)


This text explains that if you use a dull tool, it’s necessary to use more strength! And this is really what many people do! They come to a point that they want to give up, because they think they don’t have the strength to continue. They say, “I can’t handle it!”, because they are using dull tools. The Scripture says that the smartest solution is to try to develop the abilities (sharp tools), so that your desires will come automatically; we were taught “to be awake to the gift that is in us” (Ti 1:6).


It’s not smart to “compensate” for the dullness of the axe, the Bible says, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so He gives to his beloved sleep” Psalms 127:2. It is useless to work hard if you are not prepared. In the same way it’s necessary to sharpen the axe after a period of time; the same thing happens in our spiritual lives, we need to have desire to improve our knowledge with the Holy Scriptures, reading books, gospel articles, listening to spiritual songs, participating (frequently) in church services, and having a daily prayer life.
By sharpening our axes, we won’t be wasting our strength.


José Maria Reis has a Law Degree and is the Senior Pastor at the Headquarter Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus Church, in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil prjmaria@ongrace.com

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