> Reflections

12/02/2013 - Dreaming is not a sin

Christian Life

The Bible says that Joseph was much loved by his father Jacob because he was the eldest son. Joseph was content with being the favorite son. He wore the best clothes, received more attention than his brothers; God had a great plan for his life!


We are all pleased with our lives, when things are going well. However, many of us remain in an inferior position than the one God has planned for us. We serve only ourselves, become satisfied with the status quo, until we see our dreams extinguished. Then we ask “why me?” or “why not me?”


Joseph pondered the possibility of inheriting a lot from his father: he was the most loved son…. “Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors.” Genesis 37.3


However, God had greater things in mind for Joseph. Why? Because Joseph was the key to the survival of Israel, and being strategically placed to hear God’s voice, should receive the necessary tools to impose the will of his people.


God has more in mind for you too! Why? Because you are your own key to accomplish what Jesus said about going forth and preaching the Gospel to the whole world.


The dreams of Joseph angered his brothers. It won’t be the impious who will be angry with your dreams, it will be the ones closest to you. On the other hand, if you believe in your dreams, no one can take them away from you. Not your family, not your friends, not even your pastor will be able to keep you from reaching your dreams.


Joseph’s brothers envied him. They tried to destroy his dreams, throwing him inside a hole and later selling him as a slave to the Israelites, who then sold him to Potifar in Egypt. Afterwards they lied to their father saying that their brother had died.


But Joseph’s dream was alive! (Gn 39. 21-23)


Satan will try to destroy your dreams, but he will not have the power, in the name of Jesus!




Don’t let what you see with your naked eyes fool you. If Joseph had, he would have given up long before receiving his first position of authority. Do not allow your current situation to dictate what the future holds for you. Prepare yourself! God has a great blessing of richness planned for your life.



José Maria Reis has a Law Degree and is a Pastor at the International Grace of God Church STATE HEADQUARTER – Cuiabá / MT



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