> Reflections

12/02/2013 - He wants you to lie!

Christian Life

A lie is a way to purposefully mislead. It is
deceit, the intention of which is the desire to cheat.

According to the law of Moses, the Word of God is
clear in stance against lies (Lv 19:11). To study this subject, we
have to really visit the pages of the Bible since, in my places, God
speaks against this evil.

Jesus characterized the devil as a liar, because
“When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and
the father of lies.” (Jn 8:44). The removal of the first couple,
Adam and Eve, from the presence of the Lord, came about because of a
like, spoken by the devil.

The text of Genesis informs us that the serpent came
bringing a message from the devil that contradicted God’s words, and
that man didn’t know how to avoid the enemies trap. We know what the
consequence is. Everybody sins…! (Rm 3:23)

The prophets and the Apostles made serious warnings
against this sin. (Ps 5:6; Pv 15:5,9; 13:5; I Jn 2:21; I Tm 4.2; Ap
21:27). The Apostle Paulo also reminded people of it when he was
speaking to the church of the Ephesians (Ep 5:25).

When a person delivers themselves to a lie, it is an
early sign that part of his or her life already belongs to satan (Jn
8:44). The devil wants you to lie, since he knows that it will
keep you outside on the day when Jesus comes back

In order to increase our
understanding, let’s look at Biblical references to lies.

·Lies are prohibited; ( Lv 19.11; Cl
·It’s abominable to God and against God; ( Pv 6.16-19;
·It impedes prayer; ( Is 59.2,3)
of God should abandon lies; ( Ps 119.29)
·The wicked lie
from the moment they are born; (Ps 58.3)
·Liars will be
excluded from the Kingdom in the Sky (Ap 21.27; 22.15).

Faced with this advice from God, we must always
speak the truth in all moments, even if we have to make sacrifices to
do it. We are living in a world full of lies. But, when we looked
toward God and meditate on our words, we know that there is a path to
be taken for those who love God. I call it, “The path of Truth.”

We can’t forget to say
the prayer Jesus makes in John 17 when He says: “Sanctify them by
the truth; your word is truth.”

The biggest change happens in our hearts. Each time
that we know the truth, it sets us free. Once we are liberated from
sin, we can serve God as instruments of justice.

My prayer, is that the Lord blesses you and keeps
you; that he shines His face upon you and has mercy on you; that the
Lord lifts you up and gives you peace.

In Christ.

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