> Reflections

11/15/2013 - Knowing good and evil

Christian Life

For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:5)

Satan knows the temptation that forbidden knowledge represents to humans. Now, look at the story of Adam and Eve. They already had the fullness of the knowledge of good and evil. Furthermore, they lived in Eden and always walked with God. Even so, they let the devil sow in their heart the desire to know evil.

We must always keep an eye out because Satan will use someone you trust to sow evil. The Bibles says he used the serpent to speak to the woman.

Do not be fooled. Do not accept anything in your life that is against the Word of God. Reject all forms of disobedience to the divine commands. Bear in mind that man’s nature is sinful and therefore is not strong enough to separate himself from evil without God’s help.

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